
Brown Skin Music Video

This was a project that snowballed into something much larger than originally planned but so worth it in the end. The video features iconic moments from recent British history that feature in Asim's lyrics. I took on the second half of the video, from 01:38 to the end, combining motion graphics animation inside of AE with the 2D and 3D animations. I was really happy with how it came out and to shine a light on some of covered up history of British colonialism, a topic that feels more relevant now than ever.

Created and produced at Golden Wolf


Executive Creative Director: Ingi Erlingsson
Executive Producer: Tan Jones
Producer: Ana Hoxha
Art Director: Stefan Falconer
Designer: Nick Stoney
Storyboarding: Nick Stoney
Motion Graphics: Laurence Parsons, Mathieu Durand
2D Lead Animator: Stephanie Mercier
2D Animation: Kavan Magsoodi, Pencil Bandit, Cora McKenna, Gaia Lamiot
3D Lead: Thomas Purrington
3D Animation: Henry Purrington



HPE // Anthem Film


Adidas // SL20